Top latest Five Trips to Costa Rica Urban news

Costa Rica is really a fantastic nation, effectively deserving of its online reputation as a prime retired life place. The temperature is actually exceptional. Health care is economical as well as of premium quality. International proprietors of realty delight in all the legal rights of a Costa Rican citizen and real estate is still incredibly affordable. People of Costa Rica appreciate and also take excellent pleasure in their secure democracy. The expense of living is low; $2000 a month is going to offer you a pleasant lifestyle. Today greater than 20,000 Americans have retirement homes and many more personal expenditure residential property in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is actually a really little country but it is actually remarkably assorted. The 32,000 straight miles that make up this small nation possess around 6% of the fields biodiversity as well as a total population of merely 3.9 thousand. Costa Rica which is actually bordered by both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans possesses one thing for everybody. From gorgeous white soft sand seashores, hills as well as mountain lowlands, spinning hillsides of the countryside, gorgeous lakes along with looming volcanoes looming overhead, the natural beauty is unrivaled. If you like the comfort of the beach with ordinary highs in the 80s to reduced 90s F, you can easily take pleasure in that sort of weather year-round. If you like an even more warm environment, you can appreciate the "Eternal Springtime" of the Central Valley and San José, along with the normal year round temperatures in the reduced to the middle of 80s in the daytime as well as in the high 60s to reduced 70s in the evening. Lots of leave their windows available 24-hour a day, 365 days a year ... certainly never requiring warm or air-conditioning. The dry out period is commonly coming from the end of November till previous Easter. The amount of storm in wet period depends on the weather area, with heaviest storms generally in October. Rainfall is actually normally in the afternoon, if it is actually visiting rainfall.

You can easily discover little, fundamental homes coming from $60,000 to multi-million-dollar high-end mansions and also estates. You can easily live merely or as extravagantly as you desire. Costa Rican rules as well as its constitution defend private ownership of property and immigrants delight in the same liberties as residents. There are just about no constraints to ownership of exclusive land. You don't have to be a citizen, resident, or even be in the country to own land.

Costa Rica has a long history of stable, democratic government. There has been no military since 1948 when it was banned constitutionally Contrast this with other so called retirement havens such as Nicaragua.

Obtaining the status of legal resident in Costa Rica is easy and advantageous. See our Costa Rica information area for more information on various types of residencies.

The cost of living in Costa Rica is relatively inexpensive; you can comfortably live on $2000 a month. In most areas housing costs much less than what it does in the U.S. Hired help is very inexpensive; a live in maid will cost about $150 a month. Many apartments, condos and houses include a maids living quarters with a small bath and bedroom. Groceries cost about 65-70% less than what you spend in the U.S and utilities (telephone service, electricity, and water) are cheaper than in North America.There are thousands of restaurants in the central valley offering cuisine from most countries of the world. Large American supermarkets offer most familiar items. Items imported from North America are more expensive usually, however many familiar name brands are manufactured in Central America and the prices are reasonable. Costa Rica has 110-115 Volt electricity and the NTSA television system both the same as in North America.

With Costa Rican Life expectancy higher and the infant mortality rates lower than that in the United States it is no wonder the United Nations consistently ranks Costa Rica's public health system in the top 20 worldwide and the best in Latin America. Costa Rica's health care system is readily available to retirees and other foreign residents. Most foreigners and retirees opt for the medical insurance offered by the government's insurance company at amazing low rates such as $900 per year for a man between 45 and 50 which and covers 80% of medical costs. Medical care costs are very low compared to North America. Hospitals regularly do high tech operations such as heart & organ transplants and there are many talented specialists in Costa Rica. In almost every town in the country you will find ambulance service, operated by the Red Cross. There is also a wide choice Travel to Costa Rica in dental care. No special shots are required to come to Costa Rica. Water can be drunk from the tap throughout Costa Rica. Sanitary standards are very high throughout the country. Pasteurized milk and dairy products are normal everywhere.

Costa Rica is only 3 hours flying from many places in the southern U.S. Many non-stop flights are available to South America and Europe from Costa Rica. This makes business and vacation travel easy for those who work and retire in Costa Rica. In addition Costa Rica operates on the Central time zone so it is within 2 hours of most North American cities time. There is no daylight saving time, so it does vary seasonally.

Costa Rica's 93% literacy rate is among the highest in the Western Hemisphere. Costa Ricans place a very high value on education. There is a free education system for all, through high school. There are excellent bilingual and trilingual schools available with a principal language of English, French or German. There are many qualified professionals and technical personnel. Many young professionals have received a bilingual education from grade school and through high school in English, German or French. You will find many English speaking Costa Ricans to help you in many common situations.Cell Phones, telephones, Cable TV and Internet are widely available in Costa Rica.

According to a survey in the Robb Report of potential foreign investment/retirement areas, Costa Rica surpasses all countries, including Mexico, Panama, the Caribbean Islands, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Australia, and Greece. It is not surprising that there are more Americans, Canadians, and Europe.

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